Forever Ends is an alternative rock band coming from a punk background. Forever Ends explores issues such as ego, self worth, herd mentality, overindulgence, thought control, facing the truth, and the fate of humanity. Selfish leaders are deciding the fate of humanity while the masses stare mindlessly at the screen being told what to think next. The evening news is not reality. We are not doomed if we don’t want to be and there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s propaganda intended to put everyone in their place and feel powerless. We as individuals refuse to be a product of indoctrination and fear. Reality is yours to create and we don’t have to participate in our own demise as a species on this earth. Start believing in yourself, and start believing in change for the better. The new world doesn’t have to be fallen remains, saturated in radiation. Nor does it have to be an elite group of survivors succeeding at exploiting and ultimately annihilating the people who have supported them for so long. Forever Ends is not a pessimistic prediction, rather a stab at social consciousness. Believing that us humans can continue selling products to each other at the ignorant buyers expense FOREVER, must END. Believing that the masses will be continually lied to, and take it in stride FOREVER must END. Believing that we can exploit our earth FOREVER must END. Believing that you are separate from this world, this universe, and this life must END. Stay conscious, remove the wool from over your eyes, no more thinking only for yourself, we’re all in this life together. We stand for social justice, and will not be fooled. Ya we’re all snowboarders, but we’re more than that.