After three years of operation, Hope Clothing has come to an end. The company has been on life support for quite some time, and it's time to pull the plug. Although Hope Clothing is over, the heart of the company will continue to beat in a new project called This is Hope, run by the two founders of Hope Clothing. The reasoning behind the company's end was to leave behind all of the flaws and dead weight that that existed within the company in order to pursue a more honest approach to spreading Hope. This change also gives us the opportunity to leave behind "clothing company" label and more deeply explore the venues of apparel, fine art, and music. This Is Hope will be an ever-growing series of short stories based on real lives. Imagery will be drawn directly from these stories and transform into designs gracing everything from shirts to socks and screen prints to lithographs. Our mission will be to spread the message of Hope using our stories and their accompanying imagery to help people realize Hope can be found even in the darkest of times.
The This is Hope website ( ) lanched February 1, 2007. The story, apparel, and artwork will be released into the website's store later in the month. We look forward to releasing more information on this new project soon. We would also like to thank the thousands of people have supported Hope Clothing over the years and hope for your continual support throughout this new project.
Until the new website store is launched for This is Hope, we have marked down the last few items that are left in the Hope Clothing webstore. There is much left in our inventory so order soon.
Shirts: $10
Hoodies: $16
Track Jackets: $16
Chad and Peter
This is Hope