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About Me

i dun quite know myself totally either... :) cos got this spilt personality thing.. aiyah every1 oso haf.. jus not as serious as andy lau in infernal affairs.. eh sometimes can jus dun feel like tokin n b quiet e whole damn day sometimes can rattle on like a machine gun tt ppl dun quite knw wat i m tokin abt... actually i like 2 act blur so tt can get away frm not doin any hw.. dun let any teachers c dis hor.. sometimes is e ultimate idiot n big fool sometimes can b quite sharp lor. found out i dun really know how 2 get angry wif frens lor.. so hope tt every1 tt pisses me off is a stranger den u find all types of words coming out frm my mouth.. oh yeah if u really knw me, i m damn inconsistent... no matter in schwork or other matters sometimes can perform sometimes totally flunk.. like duno how 2 reach e max of my potential(if any). dere u c, i either dun tok or i tok crap, like now.. oh yeah, n i always believed tt if u r tired, sleepy, u slp. i think its rubbish to try futile attempts at stayin awake by washing ur face.. comeon, only my chi teacher in vj wld do tt..

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