Kvot, a DeathMetal Quartet from Linköping, Sweden.
The band started under the summer 2007.
The lineup was:
Rasmus (Guitar)
Martin (Drums)
They had played with eachother before but agreed to start a new band.
It was kind of obvious that the lineup was missing some people.
The band advertised on a music-site, and just a few days later
they found a random dude with the name Rikard.
Rikard tried out almost every possible instrument,
but after awhile everybody decided that his call was to do the vocals.
In early August 2008 a baseplayer with the name Angus tried in, and he still
fits right in!
The band has played in the competition "Rockkarusellen" 2 years in a row.
2008/2009. 08 Kvot got to the semi-finals, and in 09 they got to the finals.
Now Kvot is searching giggs and are going to record the first album in
summer 2009 at "Stugan Studio".
Kvot is a band from Linköping.
Bandet startade under sommaren 2007.
Det va Rasmus(gitarr) och Martin(trummor) som tidigare hade spelat ihop men ville nu starta ett nytt band.
De kände att det va lite för några i bandet så de slängde in en annons på en musikersida och några dagar senare dök det upp en nisse som hette Rickard.
Efter att ha gått igenom flertalet intrument så kom vi fram till att hans starka sida ändå var sång så där vart han placerad.
Även Angus tillkom till bandet som basist i tidiga augusti!
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