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About Me

.. ( Before you add me... Please send me a message because I'm not here to get "numbers" but friends.)
I am a person in peace!!
I am a passionate person!!
I am passionate for my life, people and everything that I do.
I like simple things of life, by the way, I am a simple person. I love my mom, my real friends, my life but before everything, I love my God and myself. I have God in my heart and I hear Him. This is the better thing of the world..., I just feel it, it's indescribable. Better than friends, guaraná, açaí, kisses, smiles, trips, boyfriend, mother, university, beach..., better than my life, better than all. It's only to listen..., after is consequence, by the way, great consequences.
I am a person really happy. I know the way of true happiness, if you want to know, ask for me.
Other thing about me..., I like of what is right. I don't like to spend time with what is uncertain. I am full of dreams and I wish to be with people like that because I don't like the idea of being stopped. Stay far away me superficial, materialist, liar, pessimistic, false, envious, hypocrite people and with discrimination. I love surprises so much. I like of unexpected. Everything without hour and marked place.
I am a eternal child. I'll always be a person free of soul. I am myself with everybody, you like or not.
That's not all but for the time being, it's okay.
Any doubt..., ask me. :]
JeSuS, pHiLoSoPhY oF lIfE, lIfEStYle.
It's Christ on vein! The vice of freedom! Total madness.
... I can fall but raise because what motivates me is bigger than all things.
In JeSuS I tRuSt ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

New and old friends.

My Blog

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