music. hockey. ruckers. art. acting a fool. creating a scene. loud sounds. making people think. a good sandwich.
a person with three arms.
dr. suess.
a talking goat.
a man i couldnt defeat in an arm wrestle.
a lot of different stuff. too many to list, and there's new ones all the time. i like music that will make me want to dance, sing, or have a good time. music that makes you think, "what/who is this about?" music that's different, or trying to do something different. anything that sounds good to me. fin.
dumb and dumber.
super troopers.
blazing saddles.
saw one and two.
kiki's delivery service.
family guy.
stand-up preformances.
catcher in the rye.
matthew good.
juan turlington.
jason mulgrew.
my grandpa.
my dad.
my mom.
my sister.