Dotsuchi profile picture


Imagine hundreds of me and you're the King.

About Me

tinggi & gemok.

ape nak?

i love getting messages. suck at replying them.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.Those who love me for my awesomeness.

If i don't know you, i won't add you. Send me a message, let me know you. I dont have a gajillion friends; and i don't want to.



.Hard Candy
.The Butterfly Effect
.Pulp Fiction
.Fight Club
.Men of Honor
.Remember The Titans
.Shawshank Redemption
.City of Angels
.The Jacket
.Friends with Money
.The Pianist
.Cruel Intention (the only teen flick i think is awesome)
.Legend of 1900
.When Nature Calls- Ace Ventura

not ranked according to order

Usually i'd love whatever movie that has any of these characters in it; Adrien Brody, Ryan Philippe, Nicholas Cage. Brilliant combination, i know.


afumoda shazuriru.
kawan-kawan terbaik.