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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

our promo for weezer - check us out in their new music video "Pork and Beans""pork and beans" behind the scenes Weezer - The Making of "Pork and Beans"
We decided to make this myspace to help answer questions people have had about us and our video. here goes.... we are just two pretty normal chicks who are best friends. we were studying late one night and decided to take a break and play around on youtube. we came across the daft hands video and thought it was pretty sweet and instantly came up with the idea to try and make our own using our bodies. we used index cards with words on them and made up a dance. because we had midterms that week and had to get back to studying, we had to film it a week later. it took us longer to make the robots heads and write all the words on our body than it did to learn and film the dance. we wore the robot heads for a couple go with the daft punk theme, hide our identities, and keep your eyes on our words, not our faces. :) we had to record the dance about 20 times before we were satisfied. we posted it on youtube a week later just so our friends could see it and have a good laugh. we were kinda embarrassed to put it up and didn't think it turned out as cool as we had planned. then it hit big and was being copied onto many other sites. we were shocked to see how many people were seeing it and loving it!! no we are not dancers or cheerleaders...can't you tell by our sweet moves....and yes we do have lives...... we are both pre med students and both work two jobs. we didn't sleep for a night inorder to make this video. so for everyone who wants to hate on us....we don't really care what you have to say. we didn't make this video for you....we made it for people like us who just like to get away from the stresses in life and have a good laugh every once and a while; and we had a blast doing it!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Daft Punk...... we would love to meet all of you too and sure most of you are awesome, but we are already a little creeped out by what some people have commented to us on the for those of you who already know us we would appreciate if no personal information or photos are posted on here. thanks...we love you guys.

My Blog

copy cats :)

So we decided to post this blog in dedication to all our copy cats :) all copy cat participants should know that your video is worth watching to us and we enjoy the effoft put into making your video.....
Posted by on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 22:08:00 GMT