Building Import Carz Racing My Pro Am All Motor Hatchback, Canyon Racing, DragRacing, Chillen with friends is always the best, Partys ,Clubs ,Going to beach surfing, going to the mountains/ snowboarding. Doing anything i can get hurt doing I also love spending time and buying stuff for my beautifull neice Kya And Nephews Noah And Bobble Head Billy
Bartender Ringtone - T-Pain
Cool people thats into cars and that can have fun. Funny people are always coo, But not Like mean funny Ya nah wut imean J/P haha
Music Video Provided by VIDEOCODEARENA.COM
Any thing funny, Bad boys 1&2 , Taxi I love to laugh, Fast and furious 1&2 Not because their great movies their good and all but I love them for the fact they blew up the import industrie
I love watching import shows like nopi tuner vision or tunertransformation not for enertainment purposes but to clown them exspecially tunner transformation and family guy like the funniest but the best show in the world I could watch all day everyday is that 70's show
i mostly read import car magizines
The people who started the import industry in the usa and my dad With out his support and teachings I wouldent be where I am today and some day I will pay you back