There is not a lot to the Rock...
Im half Mexican...Norwegian...French Canadian & Native American Indian. I think I floss my teeth way too the point that I carry floss with me :) Oh and I love my dog Franky. Check out my art at my other myspace profile...ROCKY:art (its the first on my friends list). Thanx!!
When I ponder my life....
If I could do anything I want tomorrow, what would it be? Painting in a park in Paris, France.
What are my core values? Respectinging others/myself, having an open heart and mind, and having a possitive influence on people.
Does my life reflect my values? Always.
What are my special talents? Drawing (art in general)....and dancing.
What do I do better than most people I know? I can adapt to my surroundings....and I can be patient.
Am I putting my time into what is most important to me? Yes....I am trying to graduate with good grades!!
What areas of my life am I short-chainging? My career/relationships....I settle for less to make those I love happy.
What were my dreams as a child? To be a Veterinarian....and to own a chimpanzee.
What is the thing that I am most proud of accomplishing in my life so far? Getting my A.A. Degree....and having a good reputation.
What will I regret not doing in my life if I continue as I am now? Not living life....and fulfillng my dreams of what will make me happy.
What do I want people to say about me after I am no longer living? That I made difference in their lives....and gave my time and love unconditionally....and gave the best hugs.
What do I want to do when I retire? Live life somewhere in Europe...and volunteer my time and talents to children and shelter animals.
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