LoOk At MaCkEnZiE!!!...wAt A sWeEtHeArT =)
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FiRsT nIgHt OuT oN tHe StRiP aS a 21 YeAr OlD!!SeCoNd NiGhT oUt!!!My GoDdAuGhTeR vIvIcA =)mY nEpHeW rYaN!!,
mAx, ViV aNd RyAn
mY lOvEs 3
Loving you is a like a song I replay
Every three minutes and thirty seconds of every day
And every chorus was written for us to recite
Every beautiful melody of devotion every night
It's potion like this ocean that might carry me
In a wave of emotion to ask you to marry me
And every word, every second, and every third
Expresses the happiness more clearly than ever heard
And when I play them, every chord is a poem
Telling the Lord how grateful I am cos I know him
The harmonies possess a sensation similar to your caress
If you asking then I'm telling you it's yes
Stand in love, take my hand in love, Jah bless
taking the "bombs"...no wonder i was hoppin around like a bunny =)