Greek mythology, The Holocaust, Health Administration
Aerosmith, Alicia, BGs, DDela, Eminem, TheFew, Kanye, NateDogg, Norah, Outkast, MasterP, Maroon5, RedHotChiPeps, Reynard, etc. (Most anything with a beat that moves my feet and lyrics that get you thinkin'!) Oh yeah, classical rocks my socks too!
Disney movies, 80's movies, Harry Potter, Head Over Heels, Hitch
One Tree Hill
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Charlotte's Web, The Da Vinci Code, all of the Harry Potter books, Jane Eyre, Ralph Waldo Emerson's works, The Secret Garden, the Shopaholic books, The Dictionary, etc.
Telly-boolele, Ms. Attitude and Tristan-boolado, my gamer!