MacNiles - Face The Fax Video now online !!! profile picture

MacNiles - Face The Fax Video now online !!!

Never Feared consequences, I hate regrets more than apologies

About Me

So 25 these days, starting to feel kinda old,but I dont really give a fuck. I'll continue playing punkrock in my band called Comrade Korsakov, and I will eventually get my degree from filmschool. In the meanwhile, I'll be going to gigs, parties and get wasted. During the sober or hungover moments, I will keep on trying to make cool videoclips, interesting documentaries and breathtaking short films.Life thusfar hasn't been too bad, I must say. I lived for a year in Mexico, studied some time history at the university of Brussels and learned too much stuff I will never use again. I played the drums in the bands Pirate Pete & 40waysfromsunday. I made some wrong decisions and lost my heart several times to species of the opposite sex and I was always able to recover it. Over the years I met a lot of interesting and less interesting people. Some of them became friends, some of them turned out to be assholes. The few real people surrounding me, are fixed values in life, and I like that it way. Some people call me an arrogant prick, but thats just perception. So look beyond and get to know me!! And seeing that every freaking town here in Belgium is too small for me, you'll probebly bump in to me someday, somewhere at some point. Let's hope that on that day the sun will be shining, the band that is playing,doesnt suck too much and the beers are cold!!CheersMore Stuff on
Face the Fax - Anal Birth

Promotional video for ANAL BIRTH, song out of the new Face The Fax/The Ignored splitcd, released on Kickassrecords.

My Blog

Face the Fax - Anal Birth Promotional video for ANAL BIRTH, song out of the new Face The Fax/The Ignored splitcd, released on Kickassrecords.
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 13:30:00 GMT