Face up---if you're my friend, we've probably already met, so I don't really see the point in telling everyone my life story...unless you're one of those people that I really don't like, in which case I would love to bore you to death with the story of my life in hopes that maybe fortune would have my side for a change and you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore...brilliant...alas, but where to begin? Let's start with my name---Riley Marie Annanne Reynolds However, you can call me whatever (be that Riley, Kylie, Desi or Rey---it really all depends on where we met and who I was with at the time...and my sobriety probably contributed to it too) In order to avoid confusion caused by my numerous nicks, just don't ask. Trust me, it'll make life easier. So if you're still reading, I must say I'm impressed with your lack of...well, a life...but whatever. Okay so what next? General statement---I hate, nay...I loathe St. Louis, yet I am stuck here for one more miserable year after whichI'll probably be heading out to Berkley, Belmont, or the Australian Institute of Music to pursue a career in music business management. (Please take note that this is apt to change. After all last week it was Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and the week before that it was all about the University of Anchorage to major in eskimo with a minor in igloo architecture.) Well, if I haven't bored you out yet, trust me when I say I'm nowhere near through with this crap---the family---I've got four brothers, one sister, my mom and dad, a dog named Blue, 14 chickens, three rabbits, a fish named Apple in Japanese (and yes, I live in downtown Kirkwood) I've also got 17 aunts, 20 uncles and a shit-ton of first cousins. Lets see...music...ahh yes music...I played the flute and recorder for like four years before realizing that i didnt like them so I dropped them and started playing piano and keyboards and singing a lot. And as of May 11, 2006 I play guitar too...not well though...hell i've only been playing for two days. I'm in two bands, neither of which are really any good (Lady Alice of Killkenny and The Followers "We have a vision." "What vision?" "To not suck." lol) I'm pretty big on the local music scene (basically the only reason I haven't gone totally insane...yet...) And have a tendency to go to at least three concerts per month...except for the tragic month of May 2006---MARY ANN---not my fault! jk Oh well, I've still got time to salvage this one. Did I mention that I'm totally in detention right now and just trying desperately to find something to do. Believe me I am thoroughly disheartened by how long this is getting...on the bright side---only three and a half hours left!!! woot woot!!! and I'm spent.
btw if you feel like talkin IM me : diabolicscheme32 or AbsolutReynolds
SIDENOTE: Me and Adam Coyle are K-Wood Cell Buddies!!! woot!
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