The King = Elvis Presley! ...because he ain't dead, ya know.I'd also like to meet Jesus, Larry the Cable Guy, Christoph Mueller (in person), Big D, Mojo Nixon, Scott Biram, Jandek and the Rolling Stones.Most of my best friends are musicians and it seems like they understand me better than other people do. I like to make music, it just seems to come natural to me. Here's my new favorite video, Big D & Matthew doing the "BIG D REDNECK TECHNO BOOGIE" ...I just love the way ol' D does that Crazy Leg Dance!, he hunches that thing! makes me laugh ever time I watch it. And Lord knows, around here we need ever bit of laughter we can get. Here, yall watch this thing! ...I wanna watch it again too!...... ......... .......Us country folks might not have a buncha money and fancy city stuff, but we know how to have a helluva good time and make do with what we got and we can pitch a shindig quicker'n you can skin a cat! this here ...yall check out Cousin Emmy doing "You Are My Sunshine" with Pete Seeger. .... ..... ........ ... ...This here is a scene from the movie "Talking Feet" that my father Donald Ray White was in by Pete's brother Mike Seeger. Not many people know it, but my father D.Ray was killed on the night before he was supposed to leave to go on tour with Mike Seeger. He had a paid plane ticket and everything and would have been even more famous worldwide than he is now if he had been able to go on that tour and make records and things. But sometimes up in Boone County that's just how it goes. But we still survive anyway because we're tough and that's just how we roll. ...Gitter-dun!!! ... ... ...GITCHA PULL BOONE COUNTY STYLE!!! .. .... .... ..... .... ..... ............... and speaking of SURVIVING,...I love Hank Williams (ALL 3 of them!) and I think it's a crime and a sin that they haven't put Hank, SR. in the Grand Ol' Opry! ...makes me so MAD I want to whup somebody's butt! ...If you feel the same way I do, please click here and sign the PETITION TO REINSTATE HANK WILLIAMS, SR!!! ... CLICK HEREOnline petition - Reinstate Hank Williams..... ........ ........ ....... ...... ...... .......... ............ ............ ...... .... ............ ........... ....... ...... ..... ...... ***...and kids, the Dancing Outlaw wants yall to always remember to stay off drugs and don't never huff no gas or lighter fluid because a mind is a terrible thing to get wasted and it sure as hell fried mine! yall think on that some and listen to this here song by Scott H. Biram! He's a tough sonuvabitch from Texas, he got hit head-on by a 18 wheeler and he's still rockin' the boogie!