..This a fansite for the support of Kassie DePaiva. You may know her as the devious Blair Manning on the ABC Soap OLTL, an advocate for the League for Hard of Hearing, or from her beautiful music. Kassie recently released her first single "Too Little" off of her newly released album "I Want To Love You". The single has just JUMPED from #97 to #91 to #87 to #84 and now #77!!!!!! on the country charts.Kassie needs our help to boost that number up on the charts. You can call and request her song at your local country stations, and also email the requests in. They may tell you that they will not play a song that is at number 97 at this point as they have told me, but you can ask to be connected to the music director or coordinator and they can usually help to give the push of her cd. Just remember to be polite, and people will usually try to help ( =
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