I'm a freelance musician, which means that I live in my car... I teach and play at various local colleges, and I recently finished a season with the San Diego Opera as music director/pianist for their touring ensemble. I also do pit band work for musical theatre, and a lot of one-shot gigs (recitals, competitions, etc.) ... basically, if you pay me, I will play! (Someone once described this as my Piano Prostitution Period, aka Gig Ho!) I absolutely love my work, even if it means I'm poor a lot of the time!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Nice, genuine, kind people (doesn't everybody?)
My Blog
Full Circle?
The question for today is this: Is it really possible, or even desirable, to escape your destiny?
I am the child of two academics. Both of my parents have PhDs in math, and between th... Posted by on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:51:00 GMT