I like to watch FOX NEWS.some CNN. I want to learn any type of martial arts. I Currently am going to one on saturdays.. 10am. its free and cool.. if you wanna go. send me a message. i will give location.
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If i could meet anyone in the World?who would i choose? I would meet the President of the United States of America, Usama Bin Laden, The Governator, ALL Characters of my favorite korean mini series dramas!! I am always looking for new friends. If i could meet anyone thats famous. I WOULDNT WANT TO MEET: terrorists, SERIAL KILLERS, MANIACS, PEOPLE WHO ARE IN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW ALOT, thats why its called keep it on the download lol.. Where are you going? Create your own travel map! View celestino001's TravBuddy Profile
I listen to some Corridos, Army Cadences, other country's National Anthems,Christian Rap, some Chicano Rap, some Native American Music, Jazz,etc..
I watch very few movies. I have been very Busy lately :-D playing with howitzers..
3 korean dramasdae jo youngyi soon shinjumong-chumongGhost hunters, naruto, & Law And Order,AdultSwim,Cowboybebop,Joseluis Sin Censura, NinjaWarrior,Foxnews Channel,Telemundo,Univision..
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To Virginia Massacre Victims, R.I.P, TO CHO who has always been bullied by others as well. Everyone deserves to be forgiven.including those who kill. but we cant forget the death of other innocent lives. Life is a game, for him the game is over.REST IN PEACE STEVEN GLANDON..RestInPeace Chris Benoit::::: REST IN PEACE AMADEO HUERTA. HE RAISED ME FROM AGES 1 TLL 14. He died from diabetez and cancer in the pancreas.. 2007-october-04.REST IN PEACE RICARDO FLORES.. HE WAS A FREAKING HERO TO THIS COUNTRY. HE WAS APART OF DA FAMILY. MY FAMILY IS ONE BIG FAMILY. EVEN THO WE DONT HAVE SAME LAST NAME.REST IN PEACE MAN.