Born in Toronto, Canada in Jane&Finch to be precise. On January 23, 1987 born J. Brown adapted the alias Papa at a young age. Born into a family of seven children and being the seventh child was not an easy task for his mother . Considering they were also raised in the projects of Jane and Finch in the notorious projects of the "lane". With crime on a constant rise and the crack epidemic just hitting Canada. He had no choice but to be drawn into the at a young age. Adapting to the street life very quickly and demonstrating phenomenal rap skills at a young age, he started to write lyrics at a high level of intellect. But it wasn't until enduring the trials and tribulation at the tender age of fourteen that Corleone became even more passionate about his music. The aspiring artist started to promote himself by performing for his friends and the people around him. He has taken it to another dimension by performing at shows where he gained the full attention of the audiences.After being released in 2005 at the age of eighteen for a period of six months he was incarcerated de to firearm charges. As a young artist he has been through more than an average 21 year old. He has made alot of changes in his life and currently extended his positivity towards the members of the community. Papa is involved in alot of community programs and helps youths to express themselves through the art of music. Papa now a dedicated songwriter and hip hop artist is hoping to release his debut album Untold Story. He has also completed a second album "Live From The 416" to be released very soon. Corleone is also currently seeking to find a record agreement by a label he can release his albums under. For more imformation please contact me via email at [email protected].