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About Me

As he continued his father's motoristic success, Niko Volcic was only 13 years old when he has started seriously training for the Supermoto National Championship in category under 85 ccm. He cornered the competition and became National Champion of the year 2003. In year 2004 he switched his motorcycle for a new KTM 450 ccm and he won the 3rd prize in Mountain Races and also the 7th place in Circuit Races. Next year he chose even more difficult category to compete in, the Supermoto OPEN; this is why he replaced his old ride with a better one: KTM 560 SMR. At the end of the season he won the third prize in a very strong competition. As another season ended, Niko has shown once again that he knows how to deal with it and he won the third place. Congratulations! Niko Volcic je sledil ocetovim uspehom; tako je s samo 13-imi leti, ko je zacel resno trenirati za drzavno prvenstvo v Supermotu do 85 ccm, ugnal konkurenco in postal Drzavni prvak leta 2003. V letu 2004 je zamenjal svoj motor za KTM 450 ccm in zasedel 3. mesto v gorskih dirkah ter 7. mesto v kroznih dirkah. Leto zatem si je izbral se tezjo kategorijo, v kateri je tekmoval: Supermoto OPEN, zato je tudi spet zamenjal svoj stari motor z novim KTM 560 SMR. Na koncu sezone je kljub hudi konkurenci zasedel skupno 3. mesto v drzavi. Po zakljucku naslednje sezone je Niko pokazal, da se vedno ve, kako se tej stvari streze, in ponovno osvojil 3. mesto. Cestitke!