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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Rock Brigade zine is the labor of our love for AOR-hard rock
and heavy metal. The idea was conceived on a loud, drunken
night in a rock bar and the first issue saw the light of day on
March 2006. Since then 8 more followed and we are going on

The 10th issue of ROCK BRIGADE zine includes interviews with Tygers of Pan Tang, Hibria, Orden ogan, Leverage, Messenger, Crimes of Passion, Stelios Arnaoutoglou plus varius articles about pomp rock, obscure heavy metal gems, forgotten AOR albums etc...
To download Rock Brigade No10 in pdf format go to:

And since music is meant to be heard, not only read about, we created a net radio where you can listen to Rock Brigade editors and various friends playing some great music.

Click on the banner below to get linked to Rock Brigade Radio!
Our weekly program goes like this:

Sunday:...........00:00-02:00 John Tsavalos (AOR/hard rock/metal)
Tuesday:........21:00-23:00 George Kourakos (AOR/hard rock/metal)
.....................22:00-00:00 George Kourakos
More shows to be added
Contact us if you are into the same music (AOR-hard rock- heavy metal) and want to play some music at Rock Brigade radio

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

AOR-Hard Rock- Heavy Metal bands and musicians. Crazy rockers

My Blog

­¿ ĵÍÇ¿Â Rock Brigade!

¤¿ ´­º±Ä¿ ĵÍÇ¿Â Ä¿Å Rock Brigade fanzine µ¯½±¹ À»­¿½ ÀÁ±³¼±Ä¹ºÌķı!œÀ¿Áµ¯Äµ ½± Ä¿ ÀÁ¿¼·¸µÅĵ¯Äµ ±ÀÌ Eat Metal, Sirens records º±¹ Rock City ‘¸·½Î½ ÀÁ¿Â Ä¿ À±Á̽ º±¹ ÃÄ· ÃŽ­Çµ¹± ±ÀÌ Ä± ÅÀÌ»¿¹À± ³½ÉÃ...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Jul 2009 09:14:00 GMT

¤µÍÇ· 1-8 õ ¼¿ÁÆ® pdf!

 »­¿½ ¼À¿Áµ¯Äµ ½± º±Äµ²¬ÃµÄµ ı À±»¹ÌĵÁ± ĵÍÇ· Ä¿Å Rock Brigade õ ¼¿ÁÆ® pdf. ¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 1¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 2¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 3¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 4¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 5¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 6¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 7¤µÍÇ¿Â ¿ 8‘½ ¸­»µÄµ ½± Ãż²¬»µÄµ ÃÄ·½ ´¹¬´¿...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jun 2009 07:32:00 GMT

Rik Emmett interview (Airtime, ex-Triumph)

First of all let me congratulate you on a great album and some of the most inspired, adventurous and really worth listening to hard rock songs for a great deal of time! Do you have a sense of achievem...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 12:03:00 GMT

Dragonfly (Spain) interview

 I hadnt heard a really outstanding europower metal band lately. Argentin-Spanish Dragonfly impressed me with Alma irae, an album that I got to listen to though it hadnt actually been officially...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:02:00 GMT

Fearless (Mex) interview (unedited)

        Fearless is a quite new band from Mexico, having released a two track demo this far. They play classic 80's heavy metal and they are good at it, so chec...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 16:34:00 GMT

Stormzone interview (unedited)

Stormzone was one of greatest and most pleasant surprises for hard rock fans in 2007. So Rock Brigade zine wouldn't miss the chance of doing an interview to present this very promising band once again...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 16:11:00 GMT

Armory interview

Armory were formed in 2001 and after of 3 years of composing they released their first (full length) demo recording in 2004 entitled "Dawn Of Enlightenment". The past December they re-recorded and rel...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 16:41:00 GMT