How do guys see u??
the perfect wife
You'll make the perfect wife. You're gentle and you're good with kids and as a mom you'll kick butt.But you're not going to have a very good career because you'll be changing dipers and feeding your husband all the time but their is nothing wrong with that. You'll be a good wife and mother and your family will adore you so who needs a big successful career when you have your families love and respect? you go girl!
How do you compare?
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How good do you kiss?
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You scored as Romantic Kisser
Good for you! You know how to kiss and hopefully you have a certain someone to experience a serge of happiness with. If not, it doesnt hurt to flirt kiss a little hehe. Just dont get carried away. Romantic kissing is always a plus! Kissing is an art keep it up and youll be really good! Here some tips: 1. Be ready 2. no smoking 3. start slow 4. up the intensity 5. develop rhythm 6. change it up 7. pay attention to hands 8. experiment 9. respond 10. repeat
Yippy Ki Yay!
Romantic Kisser
Your more of a class act than youre giving yourself credit for
50%--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------Y our results:
You are Venom
Venom 94%
Dark Phoenix 82%
Mystique 80%
The Joker 70%
Riddler 70%
Dr. Doom 69%
Lex Luthor 60%
Apocalypse 60%
Juggernaut 60%
Mr. Freeze 60%
Two-Face 60%
Poison Ivy 54%
Magneto 50%
Catwoman 47%
Kingpin 46%
Green Goblin 44% Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.
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