Do to all of your input, we have decided to revert back to our original band name "Stillfire." Please go to Stillfire's MySpace Page from here on out and please don't forget to add us to your Friend's if you haven't done so already. All of our songs and info has been updated there. Thanks again for all of your input and support.
History of Efferent
The following year the two decided to develop a band. The first additional members were guitarists Brad Hern and Jeramy Steele. Brad and Jeramy brought in their Heavy Metal and Hardcore influences into the band and the band became unique in the sense that it was a hard rock band, with a rapper and a female vocalist fronting the band. At this point Stillfire recorded a 5 song EP using the members of the group along with drum beats.
In early 2007, bass player, Gavin Ward was added to the band. Of course Gavin brought forward his influences from the Death Metal scene. One of the biggest, missing components of the band, drummer, Aaron Brown came on board early in 2007 finally completing the band. Aaron, brought years of professional experience, gigging and recording to the plate along with a love for various sorts of rock music.
Stillfire gigged throughout the early part of 2007 and even won the Portland Battle of the Bands in April. After a couple more shows in 2007, the band decided it was time to change directions. Wesos, went back to doing his solo project and Brad needed to attend to some personal commitments. With a major void in the band, Stillfire, decided it was time to recruit for a new guitar player as well as changing direction stylistically. Stillfire decided to go along with the hard rock influences of its members and rewrite the material to reflect this influence.
While the band continued to recruit for a new guitar player, Brad committed to helping the band fulfill its obligations to shows scheduled throughout the summer. At one of the shows, Stillfire met its newest member Brandon Biggs. Brandon was the drummer in another band, at this particular show, but he also was a true guitarist at heart. He tried out for the band and it was immediately apparent that he was the missing link the band needed. Brandon was able to step into the last scheduled show that Stillfire had scheduled, and pulled it off like he had been there the whole time.
This was the beginnings of something entirely new, and this is how Efferent was born. The members decided to officially change gears and begin writing and rewriting material. Efferent focused first on recording. The seven song EP titled "The Wounded" was self-produced in Jeramy's home and was released in December of 2007. "The Wounded" is available for ordering below. Efferent is now gearing up for shows throughout 2008.
Efferent wishes you a great year and looks forward to seeing you at a show soon!
Efferent - The Wounded - 7 Song EP
Available Now!
Our Music is also available for download at Soundclick