YOU!!! ;P
mostly alternative rock..the CalliNg, liFehouSe, iNcubus, mar00n 5, vertical horizon, creEd, oUr laDy peaCe, all aMeRican rejEcts, LP, foO fiGhters, Goo2Dolls, pacifiErs, bLindsiDe, daVeMattheWs, the wHite striPes, the viNes, matchbOx twEnty, micHelle bRanch, binocuLars, and sTaiNd!! whew!! talk about tiring!!! =D
the lord of the rings, harry potter, lord of the flies, anything by anne rice, stephen king, sidney sheldOn and christopher pike, the Belgariad byDavid Eddings ( thanks tiffa !!! =D )