Well it was time for a new profile
I'm Alyssa
Taken and loving him
He's my best friend
I'm in college
Cal State Northridge
I don't live at home
I miss riverside
There are only a few people who i consider real friends
Those are the people i miss most
I don't know what i want in life any more
Little kids are my passion
But Animals are what i love
I'm silly, immature, and spontaneous
I dream and have high hopes
I trust easily... and forgive even easier
I hate being hurt by people
It hurts me when i get ignored
I know i've made mistakes
I'm not perfect
I'm a nerd... i enjoy reading
I babysit... and the kids amaze me every time
My mom has become one of my best friends and perfect role model
i love her to death and beyond
Jocelyn Bohn is the best cousin/twin/friend i could ever ask for!!