I love Emmie
My Myspace gf
The man who makes my panties wet XD
Dis Boi is purdy =]
Fakers of Rae
Fake 1
Fake 2- Dont Send Hate Mail To Her
Fake 3
Fake 4
Fake 5?? -dont know if you wanna call that a fake.
Fake 6
Fake 7
Fake 8
Fake 9
Fake 10
Fake 11
Dont get mad at fake 2 though
Lol i allow it. shes just a rper
Make Me
Something Pretty
Thank you Lovelies
Can you find Rae? ♥
Perfection in Pixels
Im not up for grabs, Nor am I intrested in you.
Im waiting for one boy, And he knows who he
is, So shut the fuck up. And stop causing Drama.
Im not like the other myspace whores. I will
talk if you say something intelligent and or,
Can start a conversation without talking about
me being hot/pretty/cute or you getting horny.
No I wont send you nudes. You wanna see them,
Just wait till im 18. You can go pay to see it on
Suicide girls. Cause I wont give you a free show.
Im a cheap trick in a world of hearts. Ill steal your
fucking heart, play with it. Then break it into peices.
If you let me that is. So dont be fucking stupid.
I wont whore you, I wont make you a sign, and I
wont put you on my page unless I know you.
So dont ask, Ill just get annoied. Unless I say I'll
make you a sign. In which case Feel Very Fucking Lucky.
To every one who sees my bulletin post a day.
I talk about alot of useless shit.
If you have a problem with
bulletins. DONT FUCKING ADD ME!!!!!
I cant stress that enough. Honestly Dont message
me saying shit about it. Ill just ignore you. Or
start an arguement to pass the time cause Im
so bored half the time. Okay? So unless you want
me to fuck with you and piss you off hxc. Dont
Message me asking me to stop posting so much
bulletins or say your gonna delete me because of them.
Honestly Id prefere you just delete me then go
threw the trouble of wasting both our time with your
pathetic useless annoying nonsence. okay?
Things I Hate
Group Invites - I wont join them, So dont invite me.
Its annoying as fuck and I fucking hate it.
Hot Mail - Messages saying Im hot or messages
asking for nudes and wanting to talk on a messenger
or exchange sex messages on myspace.
Its gross, Its pathetic, And I HATE IT!
Stupid people - People who are seriously stupid.
Like the people who you know are annoying and
are trying to be your friend, and they just dont get
the hint that you just want to get the fuck away from
them. Yeah those people. Its the sad truth that if
your one of these stupid people. LEAVE ME ALONE.
Capitals - People who type in all capitals. Its just
annoying and useless plus when i see capitals I think
of some one screaming their head of in my ear. and
when i think about that and read i get a headache.
So lets be smart people for once, and press the caps
lock button so when you feel the need to press shift
while typing it comes up in lowercase letters.
No Add/Msg - The no Add and Message buttons visible
on their fucking page. You all know who you are. Everything
edited out so you just have a comment box on your profile
and your information. Its annoying, Ever thing people wanna
Add and or Message you? Perhaps thats why the damn table
with the words "contact table" were made. Do us all a favor.
If your gonna hide your add and message table. Make a button
for each of the links. its not hard at all.
Rap - Full blown word rap on your myspace page. Just
pure fucking rhyming talking. Its a horrible thing to have
its annoying, and If you have this on your page. Dont
comment me, I wont reply back if I hear Rap.
Wanna bes - And Finally wanna bes, I hate you all.
People who ask thousands of questions on Where I
shop, What I eat, What I use in my hair, and Where
I get my hair done. If you honestly wanna know.
Ill tell you but Be yourself, No one else wants to.
Shop - Rue 21/Hottopic/Walmart/Cheap Stores
Eat - Rarely normally only drink liquids.
Hair - Hair spray dumb ass's, I mean thats a given.
[what I mean by stupid people.]
Hair Done - In my bathroom. I cut it and dye it myself.
So dont bother asking ok? its just annoying.
Things I Enjoy
Fakes - I love finding them just to see what they say
and see how much they might have actually gotten
right about me. So if you find em. TELL ME!!!
Friends - My friends and friend count. The more the
better, So put me on your top what ever the fucks
you all have.
Commonly Asked Questions
Q. Are your Eyelashes fake?
A. Yes they are. I have several pairs.
Q. How do you do your hair?
A. Hair Spray and 2-3 hours of patients.
Q. Where do you buy your clothes?
A. Walmart honestly, But mostly Rue 21.
Q. Do you photoshop?
A. Sometimes but not alot.
Q. Is your hair real?
A. Only the black and blonde really.
Q. How are you?
A. Im fine how about you?
Yeah I get alot of those how are you ones. So it gets boring and
annoying after awhile, So come up with something good.
Rae HeartThrob.™
For every one who thinks im a fake.
Ya fuck you.
This boy is my fucking hero.
I love him and always will.
Arron.. If tears could bring
you back a river would take
your place in heaven. Not
one night will go by where
my eyes are dye. I love you
and though it cant bring you
back I always will.And Ill
never forget you. You didnt
believe me when I said you
were perfect and that
I loved you.
Well you wanted to dissapear.
And in a way you did. But
theres one place you forgot
to erase yourself and that
was my heart.and no matter
how much time goes past you
will remain there next to
all my scars and all my love.
Rest In Peice, Febuary, 07, 2007
Leave Me
Bad Boys Get Kicked In
The Balls By Lil Girls
Dont Steal My Fucking Shit
Ill Slit Your Fucking Throat