Youth Development, Student Organization, Music, Theatre, Art, Business, Friends, Teaching and most importantly Taking Over the World !!!
People who don't suck...yes includes you.
Your twin is Alicia Keys. Soulful and always
speaking the truth. You are kind to everyone
and you barely have any enemies. Isn't it good
to be you ?
John Legend, IndiaArie, Common, Corrine Baily Rae, Beyonce & Jay-Z or Jay-oncye, anything DanceHall, and eveything that makes me dance !!
Harry Potter anything...yeah so what...I said it. Pinero, The Motorcycle Diaries, Y tu Mama Tambien, Coyote Ugly (I know so cheezzzyyy)
Sex and the City re-runs, lately alot more sports, and thats pretty much it. Which sucks because with digital cable you'd think to have better options.
When the Spirits Dance the Mambo, When I was Puerto Rican, Down These Mean Street, DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Wrikle in Time series, Tolkien anything, Cosmo and Glamour what if there not books.
My friends are my heros, they all have specific qualities that I admire so dearly, thats why they are my friends.