quEEn oF tHe c0MMoNweALtH profile picture

quEEn oF tHe c0MMoNweALtH

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I g0 2 ViRgiNia sTaTe. I Kan'T sTaNd LiaRs. I'M a M0deL 4 D.V.E.{diversified.virtue.entertainment} WE LEANBACK & we dO iT wHiLe we'Re fLii...V.StaTe fLyesT oRgAniZaTioN oN tHe yaRd 2006 FAAM aWaRd!!! i aLsO dO otHeR faShiOn sHow'S liKe sTrUt in RICHMOND! I'M a daNceR 4 P.A.N.I.C. 2000! tHe beSt dANce gRouP oN eARtH!!!{people.against.negativity.inspiring.creativity.} we do BIG THINGS!! AND I am also a Virginia State University WOO WOO!{wE dOn'T juSt cHeeR we WOO!} spirit 2k6 i luV my SISTERS!! I d0N'T Have aL0TTa fRieNdS buT THe feW i d0 Have i kicK it WiT HARD: My "BROTHAz" baK @ h0Me aNd a feW 0TheR hOmiEs @ sK00L!! i loVe mY sIsteR TARA deArLy!!{the mOtheR i neVeR haD!} & as 4 mY hOmiEs/ "brothaz" like rock,fre$h,t-mac,buck,hov,skittles,b..may,jazO & reeMa i luV yaLL 2deAth... Oh & i kaNt 4geT abOuT mY beSt fRieNd BOOGIE he aLwaYs hOldS me dOwn i lOVe 'em 2dEaTh! 4 th0se wHo knO me, kno I'M KiNda Laid baK buT i sTiLL j0Ke aR0uNd aL0t!! liFe is gReaT & i loVe maKin peOpLe laUgh! I paRTy aLoT buT heY y nOt? FACEJAY & CO. babY & I cHiLL kUz ReLaxiNg fEEls sO gOOd...aNyTHiNg eLse i'LL LeT u be da judge..... love layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

Dancing, WOOing, Modeling, writing, reading, partying and joking around.

A "Getting to Know You" Survey
The Basics
Name:: Jade
Birthdate:: 12.27.87
Birthplace:: haMpT0n, Va
Current Location:: cHesApeaKe, Va
Eye Color:: daRk brOWn
Hair Color:: jeT bLacK
Height:: 5'7" m0deL sTaTus...
Your webpage::
Are you taken?: dO i haVe a riNg 0n mY fInGeR?
Are you a virgin?: suRe...Y NOT?
How many & what kind of pets do you have?: a yOrKie naMed tOi
What's your job?: aDmiNisTraTive aSSisTaNt =)
What's your Dream Job?: a paRtneR @ a tOp laW fiRm oR a bIg fA$HioN dEsIgNeR/mOdeL!
Who is your best friend?: R.b00gIe...kaRmeN...maRio...BRAND0N HAWKINS! {fRee mY mAn B!}
What instruments do you play?: nOthin! buT i waNNa leaRn...
What are your hobbies?: wRitIng...ReAdinG...siNginG! {ms. diAnA rOss} lol
What are your goals?: 2 b succEssFuL & haPPy!!!!
Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: maYb?
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: oK...peOpLe...US...c0sMo...aLL kInds oF booKs!
How would do describe yourself?: i dOnt meAn 2 tOOt mY oWn hoRn BUT BEEP BEEP!!! lmao
What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: lAw
What do you daydream about?: tHe fuTure...
What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: i beLieVe in tHe faTheR, sOn, & hOly gHosT!!!
List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself:
One:: 2 knOw hOw 2 lOve & tRusT tHe riGht guY tHe coRRecT wAy
Two:: tO oPeN uP moRe 2 peOpLe...
Three:: mY faTTy kUd acTuaLLy b aH FATTY! lol
Either / Or
Shy or Outgoing?: ouTgOinG!
Spender or Saver?: sPeNdeR...
Truth or Dare?: bOth...iT dePeNds!
Books or Movies?: bOth...iT dePeNds oN h0w i feeL!
Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: aLL oF tHem!
Cats or Dogs?: DOGS!!!
Mountain or Beach?: BEACH...aLL daY lOnG!!!!
Sweet or Salty?: dePeNds?
Do You...
Smoke?: uHHHH HUH? me? uHHHH nO!
Drink?: heY...iM nOt 21! BUT yeAh
Get annoyed easily?: dO i? iM geT'n aNNoY'd by sUm1 riTe nOw!!!
Like to travel?: iM aLwaYs dOWn 4 a liL vacAtiOn...i lOve 2 ReLax!
Like to drive fast?: dO i? maN i gOt s0 maNy recKless dRiVinG ticKeTs tHey waNNa thRoW me uNdeR tHe jAiL!
Sing well?: wAt dO u tHinK? oFcouRse...?
Want kids?: i duNNo yeT?
-----What would you name a boy?: ziOn oR Aden oR EyaN
-----What would you name a girl?: kaYdeNce 0R heAveN
Have You Ever...
Performed on stage? In what?: yeA...dAncE peRfoRmaNces...fA$hiOn sHoWs ect...
Been in a car accident?: a fIndeR biNdeR!
Been out of the country? Where?: nAw...nOt yeT!
What Is...
The last CD you bought?: FErGie!
The last movie you saw in the theater?: i kNow Who kiLL'd me!
The last movie you rented?: tHe hiLLs haVe eYes 2!!!
Your greatest fear?: nOt beIng succEssFuL!
Your greatest strength?: deTeRmiNaTioN...
Your greatest weakness?: MeN!
Your happiest memory?: liVinG ouT tHe tHe beAcH...0n hiLLocK xiNg
Your Favorite...
Movie:: soooo maNy...
TV Show:: 2 maNy 2 naMe...
Actor:: dOn cHedLe & teRRaNce hOWaRd!
Food:: hOmeMade eNchiLLadAs 0r bakEd mac'n'cHeesE!
Drink:: leMonAde
Color:: gReeN & gliTTeR...
Scent:: ciNNamOn and RaiN
Season & WHY:: faLL tHe weAtheRs sOoo riTe!
Day of the week & WHY:: riTe nOw tHuRsDaY...dOes aNYbodY knOw hOw 2 maKe it REIGN?
Store:: sO maNy 2 naMe!
Quote:: nOb0dY maKes it ouTTa tHis wORld oN tHeiR oWn!
What Do You Think About...
Abortion:: iTs uR cHOice buT i wUdn'T
Homosexuality:: iF u waNNa daTe tHe sAme sEx tHen wHaTeVeR...
God:: he iS fiRsT!
Jesus:: he sAved mY liFe!!! tHanX ;)
Satan:: hE 1 HOT muH fuKah!!!
Heaven:: i hOpe i maKe iT tHeRe!!!
Hell:: i hOpe i dOnT eNd uP tHeRe...i heaRd iTs hOtteR tHaN fiRe! lol
Miracles:: haPPeN eVeRydaY! i haVe 3 in mY liFe...KERENY, JUEL, JADA
Astrology:: i lUv iT!!!
War:: maKe cLotHes nOt waR...buT heY u goTTa dO wHaT u goTTa dO sOmeTiMes!
Ghosts:: gHosTs unnntuhhhh sPiRits...yeaH!
Reincarnation:: i beLieVe...
Karma:: is ah muH fuKah...buT its gOOd 2 me!!
Luck:: aLL peOPle aRe lucKy iN vaRioUs waYs...buT aLL tHinGs haPPeN 4 a ReAsOn...
Aliens:: i dOnT tHinK abOuT ALIENS @ aLL!
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I'd like to meet:

tHe mAn oF mY dReAms,maYb i aLreAdy knO hiM eiTheR wAy...
%D%A %D%A %D%A....


HiPhoP is sO iMpoRtaNt 2 me!! w/ ouT mUsIc wHere wuD i b? LOST! New & oL' scHooL R&B...Rap...NeoSouL...ReGGae... GoGo...cLub! tHas eVerYthiNg fRom: maRy J & KeLis...to cHaKa KhaN...to 2pAc & biGGie...to eRykaH Badu or coMMon...to rAheeM deVauGhn or coRRine baiLey Rae...to bOb maRley or siZZla...to UCB or TCB...to avRil oR aMy wInehOuse!


All the Friday's, Poetic Justice, A Low Down Dirty Shame, Napoleon Dynamite, State Property's, Belly, Juice, Fresh, Love and Basketball, Paid in Full, All About Tha Benjamins, Blue Hill Avenue, She Hate Me, Crooklyn, The Devil Where's Prada, Uptown Girls and Mean Girls...


When i do get a chance 2 watch TV (which i dont) I watch: Martin, BET, MTV, VH1, Law and Order, CSI, House and Monk!!!


True to da Game, A Hustler's Wife, Milk in my Coffee, Addicted and The Coldest Winter Ever...


My GrandMother (RIP) I LUV her 2 death, she taught me almost everything i know!!!

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by quEEn oF tHe c0MMoNweALtH on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 05:59:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by quEEn oF tHe c0MMoNweALtH on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 05:49:00 PST

ups & downs

i've excepted the fact that somedays i wake up and feel like most everything i loved is just a memory and somedays i wake up feeling that i dont need too much of somethings because just enough will do...
Posted by quEEn oF tHe c0MMoNweALtH on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 01:10:00 PST

jus A memory

I remember way back when...we were so in love; i used to be so happy I used to draw hearts and smiling faces in little places things were so lovely... I used to hear violins and love songs it seemed e...
Posted by quEEn oF tHe c0MMoNweALtH on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 06:26:00 PST

2 much but JUST enough

just laying beside you satisfies me the look on your face when we're not saying anything is surprising i wait all day long just to spend time with you even if it means doing nothing and will procrasti...
Posted by quEEn oF tHe c0MMoNweALtH on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 06:24:00 PST

eNligHteniNg tHem...

2006 was a very important year...i finally grew up! i remember a lot of events in life like my first kiss, my first day on my own, my first allure, my graduation, my first day of college but none...
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