boey profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

AGAIN?! usual, i love my baby dear! and my baby always call me siLLy girl! *poutz* aniwae, im very weird, emotional, sentimental, a freak, crazy, always in my own world and i guess, reaching 21 makes me feel different. someone just mentioned im MATURED! lol~ i dunno how true is that.

My Interests

listening to music, playing pool, writing blogs, reading blogs, reading magazines, surfing the net, and latest interest - GUITAR!

I'd like to meet:

Long lost friends i met during my 21 yrs journey of life. Back in pri sch ( Xinghua - Graduated in 1994 ) , Secondary School ( Serangoon Gardens - 1995 - 1998 ) , Outram Institute ( 1999-2001 ) and those people i met on the internet ( especially cyberfriends ).


hmm...anything pop, alternative rock, r&b, jazz, rap anything and everything. i do listen to chinese stuff too! malay songs and anything lar EXCEPT CLASSICAL!


Prefer those which are lighthearted and very very much related to our daily life kinda shows. Comedies and love romances oso not bad but HORROR or SUSPENSE or THRILLER are NONO in my kinda movies. can watch but u will jus see me closing my eyes or zZz.... =P


anything from Mr John Grisham, based on true life stories, those lighthearted-love stories and also biographies. and of course, COMICS!

My Blog

re : like glue

Sean Paul's Like Glue - wee wooo wittt - lol~ this guy's vocals is really amazing~! lets dance..shake ya booties...hmm.... sticky, like glue. gonna stick to my dearie like glue!! so damn bored...
Posted by boey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my family...

Lying awake, all morning, looking at the ceiling and fa-dai. hehe, wats the bloody farking time now? woah...5.16am! *looks at her photo* S.H.E!!! *_* hmm.....shoooo sleepy, so tired, eyes are hur...
Posted by boey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

re : o.O"

so sianz, so sianz and more sianz. life is such a bitch man!!! -.-" whassup with those peepz making a hell of a noise? today ish a lazy day. my body aches man!!! must be due to those climbing up and d...
Posted by boey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

re : white paint?

damn my dear brother, dunno what the heck he's doing, paint house together with my father, mother, sister in law, myself and even his little daughter. he accidentally brushed all of us with ...
Posted by boey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

re : ..............................

stupid friendster! not sure how true is that rumours about friendster charging the users but well, HECK! the weather is unpredictable nowadays huh? -.-" rain, sunny, rain, sunny and im ha...
Posted by boey on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST