Kia ora, kia kaha, kia toa tatou katoa, best of the best to you all, Magazine's my name and annual arts are my aim, one LAST time for the happeries. Yes, my editor invented the word happeries, CLUE it is not anything to do with draperies although you could think it is.
Magazine One, Two, Three, Four and Five sold out and now Mag Six is available, launched November 2008.
Please message me to order copies, we don't let you know email address on myspace (to avoid spam). Thanks to those who've already sent their $20- for a copy.
ALREADY, at least two of our NZ poets published overseas and also, one long-listed for the 'Bardic Booker' (see blog for details), we also note countless compliments, some odd remarks and a jealous fit. Green is about to save the planet though. Jealousy and envy have to find a new colour, just subside into blackness and lovely dreams instead, I say.
I am really six years old and shall cease to exist after my next issue, since we did not get funding and my editor cannot go on as we are in good heart, really.
Magazine launch shall turn into a Small Press Book Fair however in 2010, and The happy Tea House for poetry performances in 2009, so HA.
We use Maori and English by the way to write our themes, since they are the two official languages of New Zealand, where I am edited and published.
Also, this time the word 'survive' is in Portuguese since my editor sponsored a child there with a poet's fee from the Whanau, Family issue. Leicester Kyle passed away over two years ago now, many people enjoyed his company, ideas and writings. Feels good to think money Leicester Kyle could've been paid for his poetry had he been alive, went to start sponsoring a child in a country where basics are difficult to get. His partner at the time agreed we could donate his fee to charity.
Bruno, the child my editor sponsors goes to school and says he is not clever but tries hard. Lately, Bruno says he has done better at school since he did try harder. His writing is neat, well formed and spirited. We receive his original and also a translation in reply to the letters our editor sends. Illustrated letters from Bruno, expressive language and coloured drawings. She asked for a child who liked art, since we could be of assistance later perhaps, if he wants something published. We hear lately he'd like to be a designer.
We think it feels great to be happy with what we have, even if we are always trying to do better. Bruno lately gave thanks for a small extra donation for his birthday, some for him and some for his family, then went on to say they pray for rain so crops will be good.