I love Eliza Dugay
Myspace ain't life (vice versa)
God One day
My Family
R.I.P Joel & Dad
Shes a person you can always count on and always talk to when you need help. She is random, loves to laugh and she can make the worlds unhappiest person smile. She is the reason how i can say im in love. She is very creative and makes really cool things even though its not expensive, she does what she can and make it feel like its a bazillion dollars. She Comforts me on tough times and is easy to talk too. Gives the best massages. She dances really cute =D. I can look at her forever cause shes infinitley interesting. I Can talk to her forever on the phone. We listen to the same music and think the same and have interest in the same things. Star Gazing is our inside joke ;). I fall fast sleep when she is right next to me. I wish she was here with me right now. I love it when she tries to save me when I fall off the bed. She loves me for who I am.
Shes My Baby