Farah profile picture


I am the cup...I am the wine..I am the ocean*

About Me

Don't go anywhere without me. Let nothing happen in the sky apart from me... or on the ground, in this world or that world.. without me being in its happening. Vision.. see nothing I don't see. Language.. say nothing... The way the night knows itself with the moon... be that with me. Be the rose nearest to the thorn that I am... I want to feel myself in you when you taste food... in the arc of your mallet when you work... when you visit friends,when you go up on the roof by yourself at night.... Theres nothing worse than to walk out along the street without you....I don't know where I am going.. Your the road and the knower of roads.... more than maps...more than love....
This is where im supposed to write stuff about myself...okay...Well im 33..I have 3 beautiful daughters they are amazing...everyday is a challenge and a gift...my mom used to say to me when I was little .." one day youll have a daughter and you will know and understand what you are putting me through ...paybacks a bitch!...well I have 3 just like she did..I have 2 sisters we are extremly close...they are my best friends. I try to live everyday in the moment..life to me is all about lessons..sometimes they are hard..I feel we are all here to fullfill a karmic path..from past lifetimes..and understanding that life is both sad.. and beautiful.
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My Interests


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Sun Sign: Scorpio
Sun 11° Scorpio 27' Scorpio Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Cancer
Moon 4° Cancer 21' Cancer Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Leo
Ascendant 29° Leo 04' Leo Horoscope
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Powered by Tarot.com ....Music..Music and more music..camping, festivals..good beer, good wine..to me life is living in a moment . im an observer ..always watching always listening.I read tarot cards,and practice Reiki...I have a small obsession with crystals and love Moonstone..I read alot..Poetry, eastern philosophy, taoism, Wicca ..im into all religion..and im willing to debate all aspects of it..I love to curl up with a book ,my cigerattes and a blanket and disappear for awhile..I believe in all things unseen..and love jumping in a car and taking off somewhere..I love nature ..the moon, the stars, the sun....and all the good things..and sometimes bad this amazing universe has to offer...


I'd like to meet:



I love horror movies..even the old cheesy ones.Night of The living Dead..old Hitchcock..and the new gory twisted ones to..I love Zombie movies ..old and new!.. Magnolia, American Beauty, Boogie Nights, ...Pulp Fiction, Killing Zoe, Four Rooms, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Kill Bill 1 & 2, ...Lord OF the Rings ..( the trilogy).. Rosemarys Baby, The Excorsist, A Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands..Almost Famous,Fight Club..Memento..Crash. Goodfellas, True Romance..


Dexter...***The only Seriel Killer who could ever steal my heart!


I am a huge reader...and I love all types, all of Stephen Kings novels including those he did under " Richard Bachman"..Tolkein's stuff..Lord Of the Rings( the trilogy)..and the Hobbit ..I read it when I was 10 and fell in love with the concept..The Way Of The Peacful Warrior by Dan Millman..and The Journey Of Socrates..I love Alan Watts..and Kristamurti..Freedom From The Known,Robert Anton Wilson,The Tao tE Ching,Carlos Castanenda..The Teachings of Don Juan,Scott Cunningham, ..To Kill A Mokingbird, I love Rumi ..he is my favorite poet..his Book of Love Poems is amazing.All of Jack Kerouac..his obsersvation of the world was a beautiful and tragic thing...


my beautiful daughters..Rhiannon is the oldest 17..Mia and Isabella..11 and 7..

My Blog

moving on...

Well ive left behind the Cellar...it was so time for me to leave that place..its been almost two months.The money was good..the atmosphere was horrible..i felt stagnet..I was unable to move on spiruat...
Posted by Farah on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:05:00 PST

In replace...

I once heard this saying ....Quality not Quantity!..and all that comes must go!..A good man once told me..Falseness is everywhere...look for it right next to you..So be true to yourself and always sta...
Posted by Farah on Wed, 23 May 2007 05:37:00 PST

There are strange things brewing..

Im feeling a little invaded...Like things I write down or create are being tampered with..My putting together of things is being spied upon..Like a sneaky troll is sitting somewhere thinking of ways t...
Posted by Farah on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:00:00 PST