Myspace Layouts*i am nineteen yrs. old *i am a GOOD WAY *i LOVE the STEELERS!! ***i am MARRIED to RUSS PETIT *** a.k.a. bubee... he is it...the one 4 me :) we got married sept. 23 2006 & i planned the wedding in less than two wks. it was small, short, simple... & i couldn't be more happy... *i have moved into an apt. in jacksonville with my husband and it's definitely interesting and new/ he's great.."i like it ALOT ALOT ALOT!!!"lol* inside-- keri knows.. miss all the girls.. Of CoURsE!! i LOVE animals..lizards, frogs..eVeRyThInG!! i will have a shar pei...when i'm rich. *i bought my first car in january-- scion xa *i LOVE cHoCoLaTe IcEcReAm & cHeeToS!! *i LOVE CrAnK yAnKeRs and quote it constantly!! love wanda sykes--she is the sh** "u motha fuck talka' shit bitch" *i have a twin..i'm the good one ;) --- when you truly love someone one .. the time to just give up & call it quits.... is NeVeR!!! ***klyabye***
Tell Me About Yourself - The Survey
Name: Cortney Lynn
Birthday: 1/6/87
Birthplace: fort wakachuka ariz.
Current Location: clayton
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'0- 5'1..not technically a midget so shut up!
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: irish.. german..hungarian..i dunno
The Shoes You Wore Today: new balances
Your Weakness: oreo mcflurries!!
Your Fears: spiders..the dark..scary movies..losing russ...
Your Perfect Pizza: plain..thick crust
Goal You Would Like to Achieve This Year: start back to college.. get settled to transfer
Thought's First Wakin Up: it's 3:00 p.m. ? sh**!!!
Your Best Physical Feature: ???
Your Bedtime: 1-5 a.m.
Your Most Missed Memory: no bills... crazy girls nite outtings!!
Stuff for your blog!