This is a Record Label
This is Rambutan Records
Punk In A Coma Album
She is fantastic.
She is a Tokyo/San Francisco Performance Rocker, part Harajuku and part Electric Kool Aid
She used to be the clown princess of the goof popgasm that was Bangkok's Futon (still going, but since morphed into Depeche Manque).
She is now the leader of a fantastic new (point 0h-0h) rave band.
She wrote ten fantastic songs about dogs and toys and punks and noise and cars and boys
And how they all won't give this fantastic girl a break. C'mon!
She produced, performed and sang all ten songs. fantastic.
chicks album
Also at Reading, ran into Isabel of Chicks, late great all-girl/all-teen band from Dublin.
Chicks were the last band i signed to Dreamworks,
Chicks debut was due to come out seven years ago.
They went into the studio as i left as the MD of the label's UK office and ... (eventually) moved across the world.
The band got lost in the carcrash that was the last years of Dreamworks and manager Geoff Travis extricated them from their contract.
They were Beck-style imps all b-girl anime and naughty DIY and way ahead of their time.
Pissed off and frustrated, the three girls shelved the masterpiece-take.
(And split that second guaranteed album advance to pay for the university).
Lucy became a photographer, Isabel an artist and Annie a DJ.
Then this past summer they decided to reband -- played a couple of pick up gigs around Dublin. Fun.
And then somehow eight years after they or I had been at the Reading Festival, a fluke in time opened,
And we were in the right place at the right time for a second time.
RAMBUTAN is putting out that long lost masterpiece,
A&Red by yours truly, helmed by Travis, produced by Royal Trux and mastered by Howie Weinberg.
2 Charuson!
4 x 2 EP
2 Charuson! is a local Bangkok enigma.
Wants to be a Jack Johnson.
Reminds me of Pere Ubu (of course he's never heard them).
bellows with the best of the emo/grunge hordes.
writes tone poems in search of a chorus -- a la Beirut or Devendra.
not a word in Thai. all the Queen's English.
he has written 200 songs, though pulling four out of him for his fantastic EP was the proverbial blood from the stone.
the blood left behind by Arthur's sword.
(hey, he's good enough to even prove courtney wrong. (!?!?))