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My Chemical Romance Are Cockshiners

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Reasons To Hate My Chemical Romance
1. They are just another mediocre emo band. For example, there is nothing original or distinct about the band. They only gained popularity from the hype that the dipshits at MTV created with 3 cheers for sweet revenge. A large number of my chemical romance fans had never heard of their first album, and it was only after they became fans that they did hear of it. Surely if my chemical romance wasn't mediocre, then they would have gained a larger fan base than they initially did with their first album, right?
2. They are over produced. Compare "3 cheers for sweet revenge" with "Life on the murder scene"(a live album), and pay attention to the singing. Gerard Way is exposed for his shitty singing, which brings me on to my next point...
3. They have no talent. The singer can't sing, the riffs are simplistic and uninspired as is everything else about their music.
4. Their fans are dipshits. Although this isn't aimed directly at the band, it has to be said. Their fans are usually teenagers who don't know jack shit about music. The following is from a popular my chemical romance forum, by "FAKExAxSMILE" ( 5101):
"Ok, I checked to see if this topic existed in Musical or Chemical and I couldn't see it did, if it does, sorry. Also, I was sorta confused on where to put this. But as it's about the music I put it here.
So... I don't get it why people think MCR are emo.. I don't care that they do.. but they must of heard that MCR arent emo... I mean, MCR have said many times they aren't emo. Yet people still think they are. Does anybody here think they are, and if you do, please explain why?
Btw, I am NOT talking about the "look" they have. I'm talking about the lyrics.
Gina. :)"
As we can see from this post, "FAKExAxSMILE" says "I mean, MCR have said many times they aren't emo. Yet people still think they are.". So what "FAKExAxSMILE" is telling us is that my chemical romance aren't emo, just because the band have said they're not. However, we know that bands wrongly categorize their music, such as Trivium etc. As we can see from the post as well, this person does not think that My Chemical Romance are emo. Seeing as My Chemical Romance ARE emo, this suggests that "FAKExAxSMILE" does not know much about music, therefore making her opinion of My Chemical Romance being a good band void.
Taken from
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