paRtying w/ mY grLs, danCing w/ thE reSt of my ganGsta stuDio onE hiP hOp crEw/natiOnal chaMps, soFtbalL, beaCh, skiRts, maKeup, naiL pOlish, shoOting sTars, tRaveling, tanNing, kiSsing, haiR stRaighteners, coOkies, jewleRy, suPer nintenDo;-), cuDdling, my grLs, guYsss, beiNg sPontaneous, rolLer cOasters, getTin loSt on rOad triPs, celL phOnes, alL niGhters, lauGhing, eatiNg ouT, wOrking ouT, hOt tuBs, cLothesss, shOpping, suRfing, sumMer..
anYonE as tiGht as uS ..
i liKe a liL biT of evErythiNg, buT hiP hOp is dEf. my faVoRite
leGally blOnde, cOyote uGly, thE nOteboOk, stePmom, elF, cenTer staGe, thE goOnies, beaChes, yOu goT seRved, hOneY, thE rinG, meEt thE paRents, meaN girLs, dodGebalL, naPoleAn dYnamiTe
LaGuna beaCh, thE oC, oNe tRee hilL, thE reaL wOrld, dEspeRate hOusewivEs, thaT's sO raVen..haH
a leSson beFore dyiNg, a tiMe fOr danCinG
my clOne..saManTha kaThryN daVis ;-)&& mY AmAziNg SiStEr cHeLseA !! :)