IS IT HARD FOR YOUR MODELS TO GET NUDE?Body painters have a problem that most other artists don't have. I just can't go out and buy a canvas. Because Body painting art uses people (mostly nude women). I have to Work on Trust. With out trust I would never paint again. Most of my models become my close friends. There is something about being nude in front of some one that creates a Bond of Trust. Earning the trust of my model is 95% of the work. Getting to know the model takes sometimes a few weeks, though it's not rare for a model to get naked right away. Usually the first thing we do is having a pre-session. A pre-session is where the model gets nude and we take a look at her body to see what here strengths are. Each model is different. Some are Breast models some are Legs and Back. The idea is to bring out those features in the painting. We also do a test to make sure that there are no reactions to the Body paint (or liquid latex). The main reason for the pre-session is so the model becomes comfortable with being nude (and having the artist in the same room). Most of the time after the model has been painted they forget that they are nude.
Anyone! Also I need a talented assistant for body painting (female only please!) Also If you are a make up artist, please contact me for contracted work if my clients request it.
Classic Rock, Country, Jazz and The Blues! I guess Weird Al since I am friends with his drummer!
Sci Fi & Fantasy. Vincent Price and classic horror movies!
CSI, Documentaries, Hell's Kitchen, Ghost Whisperer, Close to Home, NUMB3RS, The Simpsons, Futurama, and of course Wallace & Ladmo!
Sci Fi and Fantasy. The works of H. Beam Piper. Anne McCafferty, J. R. R. Tolkien
Alice Cooper, Weird Al, W & L (If you are from Phoenix you know who they are!), Mel Gibson (and not because of his movie Career "Man without a face" is based on his life!) Jimmy Buffet, Kenny G.