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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey there chaps, my name is Amy! As I'm sure you've already guessed. I originate from the glamorous city of Hull. I work in the most fantastique alternative shop that is eXperience (one of the only independent, self-made businesses that has served the underground in Hull for 15 years plus, providing the alternative masses and diverse cultures since the mid 90's with custom made and popular clothing brands).I enjoy drinking and having a good old jolly with me buddies!. I am very pro-zombie and I enjoy planning my survival tactics for z-day.I love trashy horror films !the more blood N guts the better. I also enjoy Ringside on Friday nights and going to Code.As boring as it may sound I have a keen interest in wildlife and nature. I also like drawing, reading true crime books and dancing - because it's good for the soul!I LOVE ANDRE 3000!^__^

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jack Brooks!(ok,he's fictional but what the hell)George Romero, Chopper, Tom Savini and Greg Nicatero (some of the greatest special effects known to man), Buck Angel, David Attenborough, Bridget the Midget, the dudes from Down, Tony Todd (just so I can say "hear you're looking for Candyman bitch?" and see if he would slap me), Max Brooks (to discuss the uprising) and anyone who is up for a laugh, a joke and a wee bit of a drink! ;) Oh, and Andre 3000! >

My Blog

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