Matt the Lich King profile picture

Matt the Lich King

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

HOLY CRAP i changed again :P:P insane is it not? I blame my friend Michelle for as much as she is changing her page :P lol. j/k. well either way anyone who adds me as a friend on here besides like music or stars myspace's then you pretty much know some about me, so why waste time or space telling about myself. want to know. then send me a freakin email on here then :P:P
*DROOOOL* Very, very Nice!!!!! Oh, yes...
My other favorite hotty in very drool worthy.
There not real....BUT WHO CARES!!!!! LMAO......two of my fave girls from a cartoon/comic/video game.
Such a hotty even though only a drawing.....<.< but who cares!!!!! :D
Dont know why, but this picture just looks freakin Awesome of him :D
Sephiroth coming at you.....Just go ahead and put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.....*Evil laugh*
I am 92% Video Game Addict.
.. I got a problem, man. I may not find the answer to life in a video game. I need to turn off the console or computer, go outside and try some reality for a change. Take the
Video Game Addict Test
@ FualiDotCom
Sephiroth vs. Cloud, the Ultimate Battle......
I am 64% Metal Head.
.. I rock just as hard as the rest of the thrash set, except when no ones looking I like to get down with a little "More than a Feeling." Take the
Metal Head Test
@ FualiDotCom
Sephiroth from AC, he sooo owns.....HE SOOO SPIFFY and will just kill everyone, for he is Death the Destroyer of Worlds.
Sephiroth walking through the fires of Nibelheim.....SOOO very spiffy.

Myspace Layouts at / Bleach

Well, ok honestly, think I should go ahead and tell somethings about my real self, lol. Well, I'm a pretty good guy, although as you can tell I do have a slight obsession with Sephiroth. I get along with most anyone and a pretty mellow person to get to know. I like Anime and Video Games of coarse and I also like to play Magic: the Gathering and Dungeon and Dragons, yes the game that is older then me, i like to play, lol; and currently my life is consumed the the MMO called World of Warcraft, check out my pics to see some of the pics i have from the game that consumes my very life(Although i really need to update those sometimes soon :P) :P lol. I go to college of coarse and currently working on my Digital Media program. BLIZZARD or SQUARE-ENIX! Here I come! which ever one will take me :P HAHA. Trying to make my life a little better when i have to go out there in the real world and have to get a real life and work my ass off for a living of coarse....YAY <-----*sarcasm* Well anything else you may like to know, just drop me a line or something.........

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If I had to choose it would Angelina Jolie, Milla Jovovich, Sean Connery(the man is just so damn cool), The ultimate and supreme being whomever or whatever it maybe(<---serious right emphasize to Sephiroth :P), Emmitt Smith (again, i met him once before when he was still with Dallas<--- GREATEST football team EVER, and he is a great role model to have someone look up to), and i think thats it for right off the top of my head. ill update later if more come to mind.

Lara Croft being played by Angelina Jolie....couldnt ask for better. GIGGITY!!! lol.

My Blog


So yeah, was playing around with my friends list again and found a new thing call randomize.  So for all my friends out there that whined and complained about not being on my top friends list....well....
Posted by on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 08:30:00 GMT

Friends or Enemies?

So have you ever gotten to the point that someone needed to honestly to god question the old statement: "Keep your friends close....but your enemies closer"? Its been something i have questioned for ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 18:04:00 GMT


Are you a good fan of the greatness of music that is Metal, industrial, Raver? Are you on my friends list and have those same interests. Well my friends list has grown a bit more with some new bands w...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 06:50:00 GMT


Hells yes people. this August one the greatest Fucking band EVER releases a new album....and i cant wait!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!! Rock on Dragonforce!!!!!!
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 15:17:00 GMT

Fucking Food City

Food City can bite my fucking ass! Im so sick of working my god damn ass off for nothing.  Short version of story. WORKED my fucking ass off last night and i go in today to get my check and find ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 10:22:00 GMT


Why is Dragonforce like the greatest god damn band EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Because they just rock so freaking hard! ROCK ON DRAGONFORCE!
Posted by on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 19:28:00 GMT

Update DONE yay

YAY my update is complete. just letting all know
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:41:00 GMT


Update to pretty much clerify that the first 16 for all those that think i put my friends list into a number order is wrong. the first 16 in no real order at all are bands/famous myspaces i really lik...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 02:46:00 GMT


Just wanted to let everyone know that I did the top 20 thing for my myspace. and really wanted to put many others, but just wanted to post that they are in fact not in any real order....when i did it ...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 13:14:00 GMT

New Pictures...YAY for me

Yeah, finally fixed the pictures that wouldnt work on here but all is spiffy as of now.....YAY
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 14:24:00 GMT