I lIke sUfinG (yeah!), drawing cLothEs, mEetIng nEw frendS and mAnY mooooRe!!! moSt of tHe tiMe I'm a loner:(
I wIsh maY freNd mE diTo! SANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i Dont kNow kUng mAy frEnd mE ditO! I want tO mEet nEw fRendS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MadaMi eH!!!!! Lizzie mcgUire thE mOviE! (I rEalY lIke iT!!!) , Bruce Almighty, Troy, Big Fish, Passion oF thE cHrist and Etc.......
I wAnt waTchIng Sakura!, lIzzIe mcguirE, Spongebob!!! and manY moooooRe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I'm noT rEallY a bOOk lOveR! buT i Like bOokS that hAs pIctuRes!!!