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I am here for Friends

About Me

Lets... Lets talk about me, first... I love music, lots of it, and hmmm t.v. is the devil sometimes, most times i'z don't watch alot but when i do, boy do i watch it good. I love my family, Andy the coolest Pomeisl there is, Shlauren will never get me to give up all my belongings and will never stop trying, Seany boy, Jay the smartest person I know and your still only 5 (your not allowed to grow up) AND all my peeps sending me to Australia ONE LOVE no. deleted. I can't keep one train of thought for more than 11 seconds. but. meh. My grandparents used to be a bunch of card carrying commies.... huh huh alllright.... NO NO NOT ALRIGHT!!!! but seriously, card carrying commies. I'm in Melbourne Australia baby!

My Interests

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