Withering Away (Book Our Band!!!) profile picture

Withering Away (Book Our Band!!!)

We Have Come for Your Women

About Me

Withering Awayformed in theWinter of 2006after Matt andDan got the ideaof starting ametal band aftervacation fromschool was over.Dan knew Stevefrom jammingtogether infreshman year ofCollege at SUNYPurchase inWestchester.Matt hadpreviously knownKyle and broughthim into thefold. The bandwas born. Therewere somevocalist issuesearly on so theband focused onjust writing somesongs andrehearsing themall the time, andwould focus onthe vocalistissue later. After almost ayear of writingand rehearsing,the band felt itwas time to get avocalist to makethe bandcomplete, and tomake live shows apossibility.After trying outa few othervocalists, Stevesuggested MikeKratter, theguitar playerfrom his otherband, Choose.So, after playingCrystal Mountainby Death a fewtimes withKratter, the bandall agreed he wasthe best man forthe job.Withering Away's lineup was solidified. Sofar, the band hasperformed at acouple of showsat SUNY Purchase. The band has recorded their first EP, entitled In this Life...Or the Next, soon to be available for purchase. So check out the tracks, tell us what you think, and come check us out live.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/18/2007
Band Members: Mike Kratter- Vocals

Matt Achstatter- Lead/Rhythm Guitars

Kyle Welch- Bass

"Metal" Dan Fazio- Lead/Rhythm Guitars

Steve Wheeler- Drums

Influences: Death, At the Gates, Vital Remains, Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Judas Priest, Megadeth, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Absence, Nile, Emperor, etc.
Record Label: Unsigned

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