it's time everone to the truth about andrew and what he been doing andrew am sorry but to keep you from hurting any other girl like you did me it's time you family and you new girl friend and just friends know all about you ass andrew and i be gain to date on sl second life we meat throw a friend we both know max things keep grown and grown with me and andrew then andrew wanted to meat me in real life so i paid for the flight here he paid me half of it back he spent a week here with me rod and my two sons rod is my son dad so ever one knows andrew had already lied to me about a lot before he came here he said he did not smoke he did he was he said he had had sex with 3 other girls he lie he never did have sex until me then came the fun of when he was he it was good and bad at time but that part of getting to know someone the pic of the baby up there is our baby i got pragent and as for anyone wanting to know i got the rubs andrew did not want to us them i would find out i was going to have twins baby a die thats how i found out the last day he was here after i took him to the airport and left i fall to the ground and was took to the ER were they told me i had miss carried one baby and sent him home with a pill to help take care of the other one seen they did not think it would make it ether i did not do what they said i just told andrew i did bye this time andrew was already fliping out and duming me telling me to kill it and he was not ready to be a dad i told him it was dead later that mouth i thought i did miss carry i had a time of the mouth and it was painful but i would soon find out i didnt the day andrew grandmother passed away i was been told i was steel going to have a child and they were taken pics of the baby andrew called me cry about his grandmother yes i was wrong in not telling him but just be cause a man dont want the child dose not give them the right to tell the women what to do i knew andrew would not be apart of her life i was ok with that i left the door open so if one day he did it was ok for him to come back and see her yes that right it was going to be a her they told me this after i did miss carry and they took her out of me i asked them and thats what my doc said all andrew could do when he found out was yell and be mean to me and her calling us both ever name in the book all he care about was wanting her dead so his mom and dad did not find out after that andrew became mean and hatefule and we stop talking then i end up going up there with my grandmother when andrew found out i was there all he could to was ask to see me over and over i didnt let him i could not handle seen him after what he did but funny thing i got am in love with you steel just like that then he keep texting and talking to me tell me he missed me alot and real wanted the baby to be alive steel and would be gain doing this until he knew what i do he knows i love him and i dont lie when i say it i mean it i never throw that word around like most do these days i dont day it until i love someone and i do not say am in love with you unless i am andrew knows this but what andrew was doing to me was wrong am sorry andrew you do not tell a girl am in love with you and then be gain seen someone playing them both until i found out hints andrew knew girl friend bet she did not know andrew was steel haven text sex and phone sex be 4 he go to bed almost ever night while he was be gain to see her or tell him he steel in love with me and wants me to move out there what andrew did not know i saved texts and emails and voice mails this time around and i have prof this time it's time people stop thinking of me in the wrong and be gain to see andrew for what he is and what he is doing andrew you lie so much in your life it's sad and you talk and teat the people who really love you like shit i seen you do it to you sis brother and mom and dad i seen how you talk about them and talk to them it's sad you do that to people and if you hate me for this then i have to live with it but i wont let you hurt anther girl like you did me and you did it to my sons to telling them you would see them more in the next"s mouths saying all kinds of this i asked you not to say but most of all you did it to you own child the reason i lost her was cause of that last time you talked to me you called us ever thing you could and wished her dead you stressed me out knowing that could kill her you killed her andrew and you know you did she died thinking you hated her and she never did anything to you ever but make me sick and not hold stuff down i wish you would stop and grow up andrew but i do not think you ever while you let you family tell you want to do then cry about it when you do it you hurt people and you do not care you say shit and lie make other look like that one who is bad you didnt want anyone to know we were talking again y because you wanted it to look like am doing something when am not all i did was tell you i was there i always told you i would if i did come out there your the one who begain with am steel in love with you and telling me how you miss sleeping next to me and all this am sure most of you friend or anyone wont be live be from what you said to them but the truth is out not on this page so read it and in joy i did not to anything but love you and when i got to close to you heart as you say i stand to close to it i always have and always will you pushed me away and run like a 2 year old scared of the dark