probably one of the most easygoing people you could ever fucking meet!About Me
Name Heather
Nickname Culluna
Birthday 12-28-88
Age 18
Height 5'6"
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color They weird
Drink dr. pepper
Color black and pink
Candy starbursts.
Tv Show too many
Movie empire records, dazed and confused, life as a house, and more
Place with friends.
Person to talk to tyler
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King mcdonalds
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend toughy.
Root Beer or Dr Pepper dr pepper.
Sunshine or Rain depends on my mood.
Spring or Fall spring.
Winter or Summer summer.
Vanilla or Chocolate vanilla
Snowboarding or Skiing hmm. snowboarding
Lights on or Off off.
Are you...
Understanding yes. most of the time.
Open Minded i guess.
Bad Tempered hell yea.
Happy ...ish.
Attractive lots thinks so
Bored Easily no.
Sad ...wellll. no
How would you describe yourself random.
Do you have any Pets? tons
Have any syblings? and sister
What do you want to be when you grow up? in love.
Do you wanna get married and have kids? yea.
What is your best physical Trait? my eyes. or hair.
What is the best thing about your personality? how random i am.
What words do you overuse f*ck.
Whats the most annoying thing about you idk
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