Well, I've been on a "dating hiatus" of sorts for awhile, as I have a serious aversion to paying $10-$20 cover to buy 7 ounce drinks for $8.00 apiece in poorly ventilated dance clubs, but since the question has been asked: I'm looking for a smart, fit, attractive, sexy and ever-so-slighty goofy woman that is comfortable in her own skin, open and honest, is open to trying new things and new experiences, but doesn't take herself too seriously (seem to have an issue with that one recently). A woman to stimulate my MIND as well as my body (let's face it: looks get you through the door, but they don't pay the price of admission). I've also been told I'm "a little odd"....Go figure...
Someone to laugh with A LOT!!
Someone who skis/snowboards regularly would be a HUGE plus (although not required), as I am very passionate about that sport.
Other extreme sports oriented, educated, intelligent, HETERO males that can keep up on the hill, as well as in a heated debate about something other than the merits of dollar PBR's at happy hour!!
To be more specific: PEOPLE WITH A CLUE!!
Support your friendly neighborhood IT professional:
Be a good citizen and contribute to the "Robholio Relief"
(aka "Robholio needs a pint") Fund. It may not improve my job or quality of life, but it'll damn sure make me more entertaining after a few pints!!