my conscience is hurting my ear %Dut im happy as long as you are %D%Ai hide if i can, i don't care where i stand %Ds long as you are bent down %D%A%D%Ayou never said what does it mean %D%Aim speaking the same words again %Dut i will if you have to fall %D%Aim here if you want me at all %D%Ajust as long as you are bent down %D%A%D%Ashe feels %D%Aim laid out for everything here %D%Ashe keeps %D%Ame away from this song of mine %D%A%D%Ai don't know why this won't stop %Dause maybe it just won't stop %Dut it will if i hear you call %D%Athough maybe you won't care at all %Dut at least youre the one bent down %D%A%D%Ayou could be here or you can be here %Ds close as i can hold,together as it may all %D%Aor we where the one's bent down..
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mah enemies!! gggrrrrr....
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"w0uld y0u be??"
hey girl, can i have your number hey girl, can i call you tonight do i come on too strong for you i hope you wont turn me down i hope you're not surprised that i made the first move i hope you realize... Posted by on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 08:47:00 GMT