Amie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Who am I? You sure you wanna know? Some say I'm a freak. Some may say I'm a bitch. Some may say that I'm strong. Some say that I have the sweetest disposition. Well, to tell you the truth, I'm all of the above. I can be strong when I need to, but deep down, I'm very sentimental and emotional. I am never satisfied by the status quo--I know that there will always be room for change. I may have a few negative views against men, and might sound cynical at times. But underneath this feminist-tough-chick is a woman who's still hoping that somewhere, maybe in another unexplored dimension, justice, real love, and an almost close to perfect world exists.

My Interests

Books, movies, music, the internet, politics, human behavior, the law, writing.

I'd like to meet:

People who make me feel that life still makes sense--that reality is beautiful.Other than that, Prince William.


Josh Groban, Michael Buble, RnB, Pinoy Bands, Mariah Carey!!


Moulin Rouge -fantastically and very tastefully produced;
Love Actually -gives you a reason to believe that love, actually, is all around;
The Sixth Sense -scary in an intellectual sort of way;
Star Wars (2, 4, 5, 6);
Only You -feel-good fairy tale;
Runaway Jury -galing, basta John Grisham;
There's Something About Mary -funny, yet sensible at the same time;
Bruce Almighty -spiritually refreshing


By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept (Paulo Coelho)
A Walk to Remember (Nicholas Sparks)
Like Water for Chocolate (Laura Esquivel)
In Contempt (Christopher Darden)
A Case of Need (Michael Crichton)
Screwtape Letters (CS Lewis)
A Past Revisited (Renato Constantino)-though I haven't read the whole thing yet
legal thrillers, tearjerkers


Hero... Hero Angeles?! Wala akong maisip eh...