Getting Fat!lol! Pregnancy can do that to you, other than that, waiting out the end of this deployment, just trying to get finished with as much college as I can, hanging out with my friends and playing with my puppy...
Nobody...I met the man that makes me forget about all the problems I think I have, the one person that helps me realize that we can do anything together, even be parents! What else do I need?
nickleback, hinder, taylor swift, lyfe jennings, buckcherry, three days grace, the calling,sugarland, Carrie Underwood, Avenged Sevenfold, whatever...I like it all...
Pretty Woman, the notebook, the ringer, take the lead, centerstage, enemy of the state, the sixth sense, knocked up, Forrest Gump, Stepmom, Pitcher and the pinup, Now and Then, and a lot more...
Grey's Anatomy, that 70's show, Army Wives, John and Kate plus eight, and anything on HGTV.
EVERYTHING!! I love to read! The Bible, poetry, biographies, anything I can get my hands on.
Jesus Christ, I am forever in awe of all that he does for us. It amazes me that even though we all make mistakes and try really hard to just forget about it, no matter the situation he forgives us, how extrememly great is that knowledge?
Camron, before his accident he was always in such a hurry to live. He lived more life in his sixteen years than anyone else that I kow has lived in their entire existence.
My dad, he has taught me everything I have ever needed to know about anything. I admire him and the way he completely throws himself into anything he does. He inspires me and makes me a better person.
A.J., because how can you not love him when you know him? I feel so blessed to be his wife...