I Vo)))id nascono nel freddo 17 Novembre 2007 dall’interesse di Nargal (bassista e compositore) e Marco (batterista session, in seguito anche cantante e manager) per la musica drone/funeral doom/ambient. Per avere sonorità ancora più particolari viene reclutato come special guest il chitarrista Lory. Al momento i tre stanno componendo varie tracce per attuare diversi split con progetti drone, ambient-noise italiani e stranieri. Inoltre entro poco tempo sarà pronto il primo full-length della band ispirato al sound dei Sunn O))) degli MZ.412 e del dark ambient in generale. Nell'estate 2008 viene registrato lo split con i Blackstream. Il 16 Agosto viene registrata in studio la collaborazione chiamata KZ9 vs. Vo)))id. Lo split-collaborazione verrà autoprodotto il 1 Settembre in 80 copie. Il 19 Agosto esce per Singularity Publishing lo split con Oceanus Procellarum in formato tape. Nell'ottobre dello stesso anno viene registrato lo split con i Catacombs Of Doom. Gli split con Blackstream e Catacombs Of Doom verranno prodotti dalla label Toxic Industries in formali originali e limitati nei primi mesi del 2009. Nel luglio 2009 esce l'ep drone '000' in due versioni autoprodotte.ENG:
The project Vo)))id is born in the cold November 17 th 2007 from the interest of Nargal (bass and composer) and Marco (session drummer, subsequently also singer and manager) for the drone/funeral doom/ambient music. To have even more particular sonority they’ll recruit as special guest Lory, the guitarist. At the moment Vo)))id are composing various tracks to make some splits with drone, ambient-noise projects. Besides within little time it will be ready the first full-length of the band inspired to the sound of Sunn O))), of MZ.412 and of dark ambient-noise music in general. In summer 2008 is composed the split with Blackstream. The 16th of August is recorded the split/collaboration called KZ9 vs. Vo)))id. The 19th of the same month is produced in tape format the split with Oceanus Procellarum. The 1st September is auto-produced the split/collaboration called KZ9 vs. Vo)))id in 80 copies auto-produced. In October 2008 is recorded the split with Catacombs Of Doom. The splits with Blackstream and Catacombs Of Doom will be produced by Toxic Industries in the first months 2009. In July 2009 is been released the drone ep '000' in two autoproduced formats.
Rerum Novarum - Vo)))id / Blackstream Split 2008
(Out NOW in special cd-r edition limited to 48 copies by Toxic Industries - Perpetuus Nubilus - Oceanus Procellarum / Vo)))id Split 2008
(Out NOW in tape format limited to 19+19 copies by Singularity Publishing - [email protected])
Trance Of The Dead - Vo)))id / Catacombs Of Doom Split 2008
(Out soon by Toxic Industries)
KZ9 vs. Vo)))id - Ecceso Di Melanina In Cristo - Split Collaboration 2008
(Out NOW in auto-producted cd-r A5 slim-case format limited to 80 copies; Out NOW in tape version by OldTurtles Tapes limited to 50 copies)
Vo)))id - 000 - EP 2009
(Out NOW in auto-producted mini-cd-r 3'' A5 slim-case format limited to 40 copies)
(Out SOON in Special Box limited to 10 copies)
Here's the link:
Here's the link:
Fear Is Thy Name - 2008
(Vo)))id's song is the song 9 called 'SX', cd-r in A5 slim-case format limited to 66 copies by Bone Structure - - [email protected])